Rune of teleportation

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Версия от 13:55, 25 февраля 2020; Slando (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «= Rune of teleportation = Runa provides teleportation of some members of the party to others.…»)
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Rune of teleportation


Runa provides teleportation of some members of the party to others. While the rune is not bind - it can be an object of sales and used by anyone.

The character can right-click on the rune and select Bind. The rune will light up.


Now if you give this rune to another player, and he will have the Runebook and he will be in the group with the first player, then when it is activated - with the right button and Activate - it will be transferred to the character that attached this rune.